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  • statutes

    In Switzerland we are registered as a charitable association under Swiss law (ZGB, Article 60ff). BOOKS FOR CHANGE is exempt from cantonal and state taxes by the tax office of the Canton of Lucerne. This tax exemption has been adopted by all other cantons.

    Association statutes

    1. name and seat

    Article 1
    There is an association in Switzerland under the name BOOKS FOR CHANGE within the meaning of Article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code. It is politically and denominationally neutral and independent.

    BOOKS FOR CHANGE is based at Gerlisberg 5, 6006 Lucerne, Switzerland

    1. purpose

    Article 2
    BOOKS FOR CHANGE is a non-profit association with the purpose of supporting disadvantaged communities in India and Nepal. The association is open to expanding geographically, particularly in Asia and Africa.

    The association mainly focuses on supporting children and young people. Adults can also benefit from support, particularly - but not exclusively - when it can improve their educational situation or the socio-economic opportunities of whole communities.

    The focus of the association's activities is the improvement of the educational situation. Furthermore, the association can participate in emergency aid after disasters. The association achieves its goal in close cooperation with the affected communities.

    The association can join national or international organizations that pursue the same or similar goals.

    The objective is not linked to commercial purposes or other self-interests of the association or its members. The activity of the association is in the interest of the general public, is exclusively altruistic and does not aim for profit.

    1. membership

    Article 3
    It is open to any natural or legal person who is willing to actively or passively support the purpose of the association to become a member of BOOKS FOR CHANGE. Each member of the association is represented at the general meeting with one vote.

    Only the Board of Directors decides on the admission of a member.

    Article 4
    Withdrawal from the association can be declared at the end of a calendar year, subject to six months' notice.

    The executive board is free to exclude members from the association who have interests contrary to the purpose of the association. An exclusion without giving reasons is also permitted.

    1. organization

    Article 5
    The organs of the association are the general assembly and the board of directors.

    Article 6
    The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association and is made up of the active members. It oversees the activities of the organs and decides on all matters that are not assigned to other organs.

    The following powers are reserved exclusively for her and cannot be delegated:

    • Election of the President and the other board members
    • Dismissal of members of the board of directors
    • Approval of the annual accounts and discharge of the Board of Directors
    • Election of the auditor
    • Amendment of the Articles of Association
    • dissolution of the association

    The statutory general meeting is convened by the board in writing (or by e-mail) once a year.

    In the event of a change in the seat on the board during the year, the board is authorized to appoint the substitute members provisionally. These must be confirmed at the following statutory general meeting.

    Extraordinary meetings are convened by decision of the Board of Directors.

    The General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present. All resolutions, including those that have not been duly announced, are passed with the majority of votes of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.

    The consent of two thirds of the members present is required for a change in the statutes or the dissolution of the association. The founding members have the right to jointly veto resolutions to amend the articles of association or to dissolve the association.

    Article 7
    The Board of Directors takes care of the business of the association and represents it to the outside world.

    The board consists of at least three members: president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer. The term of office is three years. Board members are eligible for re-election. In other respects, the Executive Board is self-constituting.

    The board of directors can pass its resolutions by circular. The Executive Board has a quorum when at least half of its members are present. Resolutions are passed with a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.

    1. finance

    Article 8

    The association raises its funds through:

    • Donations from private individuals
      Use: The association's funds are used exclusively for charitable purposes, in line with the association's purpose. It is excluded that these funds are used to cover operating costs.
    • Donations from institutional donors (companies and foundations)
      Use: 15% of these funds are used to cover operating costs in the form of project support costs and 85% are invested in the project. The accompanying project costs are shown separately and transparently in the project application.
    • Earmarked donations from private and institutional donors to cover operating costs for organizational development
      Use: These funds are intended by the donor to cover operating costs and are earmarked. These funds may also be used to pre-finance projects after consultation with the donor.

    The accounting year is the calendar year. The annual general meeting and the presentation of the audited annual accounts must take place by July 30 of the following year at the latest.

    The association's assets are exclusively liable for its liabilities. Any personal liability of the members is excluded.

    1. resolution

    Article 9
    The general meeting decides on the dissolution of the association with a two-thirds majority of the members present.

    Article 10
    If the dissolution of the association is decided, the entire association assets are to be handed over to another tax-exempt charitable corporation with a similar objective. A distribution of the association's assets among the members is excluded.

    1. final vote

    These statutes replace the statutes of February 16, 2017. All amendments to the statutes were approved unanimously at the general meeting of July 9, 2022.

    Lucerne, July 09, 2022