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    about us

    In Switzerland we are registered as a charitable association under Swiss law (ZGB, Article 60ff). BOOKS FOR CHANGE is exempt from cantonal and state taxes by the tax office of the Canton of Lucerne. This tax exemption has been adopted by all other cantons.

    BFC is a non-profit organization that works for education in Nepal, especially the acquisition of reading and writing skills for children.

    libraries and study rooms

    Computers and digital learning

    encouragement of girls

    Continuing education for teachers

    Development cooperation always takes place in a challenging environment and requires a wide range of skills from employees. Technical knowledge alone is not enough. Social skills and the openness to deal with other cultures are just as important.

    Respect for the people we work with and the effort to learn and grow through dialogue with local partners form the foundation of project work with BFC. Development only happens when there is a dialogue between cultures and when women, men, children and young people are free to express their needs and abilities.


    We are committed to social justice and equality, regardless of gender, religion, origin, language, culture and socio-political beliefs.


    The participation of the local population in the planning and implementation of projects has top priority for BOOKS FOR CHANGE. Our commitment is based on an attitude of solidarity and local and long-term partnerships. We maintain intercultural dialogue, promote exchange and learn from one another.


    We believe that the best solutions are developed locally. Through our partnerships, we strengthen the local communities in their independence and self-responsibility and provide help for self-help for people who want to actively improve their living conditions.


    We see ourselves as a learning organization and systematically review the results and effects of our projects.

    BFC has mandatory regulations. These guidelines for the protection of children and young people are an integral part of every personnel and project contract. By signing the contract, it is confirmed that the guidelines have been taken note of and are considered binding. Compliance with the guidelines is regularly checked during project visits.

    You can find out more about the binding regulations here


    In our online donation module you can set up regular donations or make a one-time donation. The payment options range from credit card to PayPal, Postfinance, payment slip to TWINT.

    Of course you can also donate via e-banking with the following information:

    IBAN CH28 0900 0000 8515 6487

    Donations to charitable organizations can be deducted from taxable income in most cantons. BOOKS FOR CHANGE will send you a donation confirmation for all donations you have made at the end of January. An overview of the legal basis and the current regulations of the federal government and the individual cantons can be found here.

    We use 100% of all private donations directly for our projects. We even refund the transfer fees, so if a donor deposited 100 francs with a credit card and we only received 97 francs, we match the 3 francs to use the full 100 francs for our educational projects. Since we treat the educational projects and the operational side of our organization differently - separate purposes, separate donation goals and separate income accounts - we can guarantee that every donated franc will be used by private individuals in the project country.

    In the case of earmarked applications to foundations, companies and organizations, we always apply for an additional 15% of the project costs for project support. With this share we cover our operating costs. We also have a small group of generous private donors, companies and organizations who finance our operating costs for a specific purpose. By pledging to help us fund operations, these partners allow us to plan for the future and create efficiency and stability.

    Yes, it is safe as we work with No donor information is shared with third parties.

    We use RaiseNow and PayPal as payment service providers. Donations can be made directly via our donation module with QR code, bank IBan or with Twint. Alternatively, we would also be happy to send you a payment slip.


    no Certification would mean that further financial resources would flow into administrative activities. BFC is a small organization. A certification would go beyond our financial framework. We are committed to transparent bookkeeping by an external specialist. In addition, we are registered and recognized by the Canton of Lucerne as a non-profit organization and are subject to auditing obligations.

    BFC only works with trustworthy organizations. They organize and accompany the projects. They stand by the people and involve the local community in the project process. Regular contact with the project partners, reporting, project visits and audits ensure that the donations are used appropriately.

    We publish an annual report. This report is available in printed form or in electronic form under «Media». We also provide regular information in the "Current" and "Projects" sections.

    No, no donor data will be passed on to third parties. The data is used exclusively for internal purposes.